Thursday, May 6, 2010

Banana Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting

Hey there! So today I wanted to make a Banana Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting for my (Nommie's) boyfriend (Chris Redfield). So Yum Yums came over to help and this is how it alllll went down.
These are the bananas. They looked grossed and had like... slime or some shiny wet stuff on them. But they were good.
Yeah, they looked reallllyyyyy gross but tasted sweet and good haha
The stuff we had to mix together also looked gross too. I don't know why everything has to be gross before it is cooked.
And hereeeee is when I unknowingly thought baking powder and baking soda were the same thing since my entire life I have been just interchanging them. So in the later picture I will finally see the connection that I was told about xD
To make the frosting we had to cover it up so that it wouldn't get a film over it. I think that's gross too. I should start a count on how many times a recipe is gross before it's done because it seems to happen a lot.
The finished pb frosting was sooooooo good. I have some left over and I jsut wanna sit in front of my t.v. and eat it out of the bowl.
and here it is, the ridiculously low cake because as I learned from Yum Yums, baking powder does NOT equal baking soda. Lesson well learned although the cake still tasted reallllyyyy good and banana-y.
An overview shot of the finished product.
Nom Nom Nom Nom! <--- where the cake recipe is from. We didn't follow the whole thing because we substituted milk for the sour cream because the store near my house decided that it wasn't going to have any unless it had onion in it and all the yogurt had to have rasberry swirls. >:(
The Frosting Recipe is from a Hershey's bake... paper book thing.
1 cup of milk
3 tbsp flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup of shortening
1 tsp vanilla extract
"dash of salt" (whooo way to be descriptive)
Stir the milk into flour in small sauce pan over low heat, continously stirring until very thick (very thick wasn't "very thick" at all, I don't know what they were thinking). Remove from pan into bowl and cover with pastic wrap, pressing down so it touches it,so that no film (something else gross) can form. Cool at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then add all other ingredients and beat on high until fluffy and sugar is dissolved.

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